The Ability to Yield


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When My Mind Won’t Catch Up with My Spirit


Part 2 -The Ability to Yield






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In Psalm 51:11(NIV), David cried out to God, “Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.” During the time in which he lived, it was not yet available for the Holy Spirit to dwell or abide inside the human body; he could however be ON the person. Even having the anointing on your person was phenomenal. It was such that David wanted the presence of God through the power of the Holy Spirit more than anything else. He didn’t ever want to be shut-off or away from God’s favor. He recognized the Spirit’s power as not only his source of ability and strength, but he knew that following the Holy Spirit’s lead was the only way to connect with his destiny, and this is something that all of us must know as well.

Most of us can’t really visualize the depths of joy and blessings that Heavenly Father has in store for us. I know that I make this statement quite a bit, and when you’re enduring personal hardship, it can be challenging to envision overwhelming positive circumstances. The truth is that overwhelming positive outcomes is exactly what God wants for you. “So why don’t I have it?” is the logical question that comes next. Well, as you’ve heard me say countless times, God isn’t withholding your blessings for any reason.

God established your destiny long before you landed on this earth, and it is a fantastic one! Subconsciously, and for many of us, consciously, we imagine God moving about His throne, dispatching angels, and causing situations and circumstances to come about on the earth in our individual dilemmas. Although this is the way that we see it, this is not the way that our Heavenly Father does things. He’s the Alpha and the Omega. Everything that needed to be done for us to live abundant, prosperous, and whole lives through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, has already been done. We just haven’t caught up with it.

God preordained us. He has completed our destinies. He has finished His good works as it tells us in Genesis 2:1, so we can rest assured with every fiber in our beings that everything that needed to be done WAS done. Nothing more was necessary for Him to do. This is sometimes a bit much for our brain cells to take in, but it is the truth. God, The Father, rested. He rested because He was finished with His most perfect work on earth!

After our precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, gave his life as a sacrifice for our sin, John 19:30 tells us that he declared, “It is finished.” A little while after his resurrection, he left the earth; he ascended to heaven and took a seat at God’s right hand. Jesus Christ said it was finished because he completed that which he had been sent to earth to complete. So now we come to the third person of the Godhead Bodily, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is still working, and that work is within us. He’s the Worker within the earth’s realm, and He works through us, God’s people.

Ephesians 1:13(NLT) tells us, “And now you Gentiles have also heard the truth, the Good News that God saves you. And when you believed in Christ, he identified you as his own by giving you the Holy Spirit, whom he promised long ago.” The Holy Spirit is your teacher, guide, comforter, advocate, and friend. Because of Christ, everything that God has for you is sealed in your body-temple through the person of the Holy Spirit.

So many people are not living out their purpose and might not ever come to know what it is. There are millions of Christians who go through all the rituals and traditions of their religions, but will leave this earth barely scratching the surface of their destinies. The reason for this is quite simple, they will not fully acquaint themselves with the person AND power of the Holy Spirit.

Most of us are searching, and if you’re not searching you should be. We should be searching the scriptures daily and seeking God so that we not only hear from Him through His Word, but we should also make sure that we hear from Him through the Spirit that is within us. God is speaking, and of this we can be assured. He’s speaking to you, and He’s speaking to me. He’s telling us exactly what we so desperately need to hear, but if we’re honest, we have to admit to ourselves that often we’re not clear on what He’s saying, and a lot of us are missing the directives.

Our minds are otherwise occupied. We are occupied with our prayer requests, the problem of the day, getting more money, this bill…that bill. We’re occupied with stuff. God is calling us to a place that we cannot perceive through the five senses. You can’t compare it to anything, any place, or any relationship that you’ve ever had. There’s nothing that compares to the spiritual place where God has destined you to be. It defies, yet makes clear everything you’ve ever been through.

From where you’re sitting today, you don’t know how to get there, but the Holy Spirit that indwells you…he knows. He knows because he has received it from God, our Heavenly Father. God doesn’t want you wasting your time. He doesn’t want you to be sidetracked by any means. He wants you to understand that His plan is that you are so paced and synchronized with His Will for you that you fulfill your destiny, and your fellowship with Him becomes tighter than tight. Praise must be deeper; worship must be deeper. This is what’s in store for you.

Understand that the goal for every Christian is to increase in the power of the Holy Spirit to such a degree that there is no difference between our individual wills and the plan and purpose that God has for each of us. But what happens is this, we reach a place in our lives where it becomes apparent that we’re stuck. We’re stuck because our minds are still back in the place we were ten years ago, and we are without the knowledge from the Word that we need to be able to really yield to what the Spirit wants to do for us today.

We look at God and ask why, because again, our ability to hear, interpret, and yield is still in phase 1 when we should be in phase 4. So the outcome of this stagnation is frustration.

Frustration has the ability to motivate change, but it can also very quickly breed doubt, and sadly this is where a lot of our brothers and sisters are today. And it is because they are not on board with the powerful gift of the Holy Spirit that indwells us.

God’s saving grace through Jesus Christ was not an afterthought. God is a covenant-keeping God, and He wants us to keep covenant with Him by turning away from the worldly things that grieve the Holy Spirit. Sometimes we’ve got to turn off the television. Sometimes we have to put away the cell phone and get off the computer. We have to step away from those things that consume so much of our time, but don’t have a thing to do with our destiny in Christ. These are the things that undermine our intimacy with Heavenly Father and cause us to miss it on so many levels.

There is no guesswork in this fact; the way that we get to any station in life is by first mapping the coordinates in our minds. So our minds have to be in synch with the Spirit, because he knows where you need to be, when you need to be there, and how to get you there. Our steps have been ordered by the Lord, but in order for our bodies to make the manipulations to move in this divine direction, our minds must first be in a position to receive the coordinates. If you can’t conceive it in your mind, you’re not going to have the syncopations required by faith to navigate the manifestation of what you’re aiming to achieve.

God knows where you’ve been. He knows how you think, and He’s seen how you maneuver; how you handle obstacles, and what you’ve done thus far to get your life aligned with His Word. He wants you to grow even more in the Spirit, so that your mind allows you greater access to His treasures. He wants your mind to be saturated in Christ, and in synch with the Spirit. Then you will burst through walls of impossibility and track seamlessly with your destiny. ■

THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.
“When My Mind Won’t Catch Up with My Spirit-Part 2” written by Reverend Fran Mack, edited by Kim Times for Sundie Morning Sistas ©2017. All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord! SMS is dedicated to inspiring and encouraging Christian Women through the Word of God.





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