God’s divine order should and can be maintained in our lives to such a degree that we are continually and blissfully fulfilled. When His order becomes our true focus, we will see the most magnificent blessings come into fruition; be assured of this! It should serve as motivation to continue stepping in alignment with the destiny He has ordained for each of us. To do this, you and I must have a goal, and this goal is to become our highest, most influential self through the Lord Jesus Christ. God dreams a greater dream for us than we dream for ourselves. He looks at us through the eyes of His love, and He sees the REAL you! If you will give yourself just five minutes each day to visualize and focus on the image of the person God sees, your life will be transformed! To help you build upon this practice, we’ll outline a few strategies and offer the following positive affirmations geared to inspire your faith and keep you focused.
PREPARATION and Progress
God is incredibly interested in our spiritual preparation and progression, but He did not create us in such a way that we are born with a mind and heart that are packed full of His Word. We have free-will, so we put on His Word and take off bad programming based on our own desire to do so. This putting on and taking off signal the heavens that we have chosen to be focused, concerned, and aimed at becoming more like Christ.
The choice that we make to put on the good stuff and take off the bad stuff is one that ignites God’s supernatural power in our lives. To keep the fire burning strong and long, you must come into consciousness that at every moment of your existence, you are preparing and progressing towards the outcome of either abundance or lack in your future. You make the choice as to which outcome you will have, and God will not violate this choice. The Apostle Paul advised Timothy in 1Timothy 6:17 to teach those interested in living the abundant life that Christ made available that they should trust God, because He richly provides all things for our enjoyment. In 1Timothy 6:18-19(NLT), he said, “18 Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others. 19By doing this they will be storing up their treasure as a good foundation for the future so that they may experience true life.”
Decree and declare daily:
I have chosen the path of God’s abundance, and I will walk in it daily. God loves me unconditionally, and I will bask in the covering of His protection and fruitful blessings all the days of my life. He has made me the head and not the tail. He has planted my feet on higher ground, and I will continually grow to be the spirit-filled dynamo of believing power that He has called me to be. I am a magnet for blessings, and I am divinely irresistible to the highest and greatest good through the Lord Jesus Christ. He will never leave me or forsake me, and because of him I have unshakeable faith. I decree and declare perfect outcomes in every situation and circumstance, because God is forever and always in control. My life is the proving ground of His love, power, and strength, and all things are working together for the highest good in every way, and every day of my life.
God’s divine order is activated through obedience to His Word. Things will line up in a way that is nothing short of miraculous when we live by His statues and laws. No, we are not perfect. Hiccups and missteps happen, but we are being perfected daily in Christ through the Holy Spirit that indwells us, and we must realign our steps to what God says. He has told us how incredibly important obedience to His Word is. It promotes continued life and happiness. God would never tell us anything wrong, and has given us in His Word the food that will nurture our souls, cause us to grow spiritually, and position us for a harvest that is fruitful and plenteous.
In His Word, God has also given us exceedingly great and precious promises. 2 Corinthians 7:1The Message (MSG) tells us, “7 With promises like this to pull us on, dear friends, let’s make a clean break with everything that defiles or distracts us, both within and without. Let’s make our entire lives fit and holy temples for the worship of God.” This is what obedience accomplishes. Remember, we are three-part beings, spirit, soul, and body. Obedience causes all three to come into alignment and agreement with the goodness of God, so that we are primed for true worship of Him.
Decree and declare daily:
I am constantly perfected in Christ. He is my Lord, Master, Redeemer, and King. My greatest desire is to be like him in every way. I am his ambassador for all that is good, powerful, strong, loving, kind, generous, and glorious. His goodness is my focus and concern. I do not accept emotionally, spiritually, physically, or mentally anything that is not from God, and decree and declare that His goodness has dissolved it. I am testifying of the forcefield of God’s divine favor that is covering everything in my life. It is a hedge around me and all that I hold dear. By my positive and Godly attitude, actions, and thoughts, I am affirming that His divine love and harmony are priority one in my world. Because of my faith and perseverance, I am not deterred by negativity or anything that seeks to alter my course from the awesome destiny God has for me. I am walking in it this very moment. I am in alignment with His glory. I praise and worship Him in Spirit and in truth.
All of us have a destiny in Christ. The truth is that the further we veer away from it, the more chaotic and confused our lives will become. God doesn’t want this for us. He has given us the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit to help us stay on the path that He has predestined. If we will keep our minds and hearts open to receive the promptings of the Spirit, our days will be productive according to God’s agenda, and our lives will be fruitful and fulfilled.
Decree and declare daily:
God cannot fail. Through the Spirit that indwells me, Heavenly Father works in me, with me, for me, and through me for the greatest good. His Word is true. It will not fail. It works in me, with me, for me, and through me for the greatest good. I walk in my destiny, and therefore walk in the splendor of my highest self in Christ. My Christ-self is my identity; therefore, I am radiant and full of compassion, love, grace, and generosity. I am obedient to God. Therefore, I am aligned with my purpose and empowered by the endless supply of His spiritual riches that flow through me continuously. I decree and declare that progress, abundance, prosperity, good health, great relationships, and other byproducts of God’s supernatural and divine favor will overtake my life. He has made me like a tree that is planted by the river. I will always and continually have all that I need as I walk in my divine destiny and fortify my relationship with God in Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit that works in me.
A pod is a protective shell or covering. It is removed when the maturation or maturity level of its contents is complete. Preparation and progress, Obedience, and Destiny is the POD surrounding your commitment to keep your relationship with God in Christ as your number one priority. They will prime you for fruitfulness and productivity if you wrap yourself in them daily. Make POD affirmations like these a vital part of your spiritual practice. Then, when the season is upon you, you will witness an incredible harvest, and feast on the riches of our Glorious, Wonderful God!■
Scripture taken from The Message. Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group.
Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.
“Must Have” Affirmations of Faith” written by Reverend Fran Mack, edited by Kim Times for Sundie Morning Sistas ©2017. All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord! SMS is dedicated to inspiring and encouraging Christian Women through the Word of God.