Push Through, Sis!


Odds are that you probably know a believer that is having a very challenging time in their lives. You may have gone through tough times yourself, but you’re still pressing toward the mark. You still have peace of mind, and you’re very thankful to Heavenly Father for bringing you through. You look at others and tell them, “Push through, sis, the Lord is working it out!” but they don’t seem to have the strength to endure. Things are unraveling and becoming unglued in their lives, and they just don’t know how to pull it together. Heavenly Father blesses you and me and helps us out of tough times because we ask for His help, but often others don’t have the faith that we do. They never thought things would get so bad, and they’ve never felt what it’s like to be out there without the safety net they’re used to. They never realized how much confidence they placed in their friends, the money, or the job. Now, they have to learn a lesson, and it could be one that you and I may be able to teach them.

We are interdimensional beings. We live in a flesh and blood body that God created from dust, and this is our physical or natural existence. Ephesians 2:6 tells us that God raised us up from the dead with Jesus Christ. This means that when the Holy Spirit resurrected Jesus Christ, the work of redemption made it possible for us to be resurrected as well. It happened when we became born again. Receiving the gift of salvation did not change our physicality. We have the same body, same soul, same mind, and same heart. Receiving the gift of salvation changed our spirit-man. Our spirits are recreated and made alive when we accept Christ and are baptized with the Holy Spirit.

So, we live in the natural or earthly dimension, and simultaneously, we also live in the supernatural or spiritual dimension. The latter is a dimension that we cannot see with physical eyes, but it is more real than the dimension we can see. 2Corinthians 4:18 tells us not to fix our eyes on what is seen, because what is seen is only temporary. We are to fix our eyes upon the unseen, because the unseen is eternal. To “fix our eyes” is to focus our attention upon a particular thing and concentrate on it. Although we live in both dimensions, God instructs us to focus the brunt of our attention on the spiritual, because the faith of Christ is a spiritual substance that is needed to make everything happen. God tells us to walk in the Spirit and to walk by faith because this is the only way to navigate the natural or earthy dimension successfully. Trying to have a successful life by walking in the flesh is not God’s plan; therefore, it will not work.

Colossians 1:13-17 tells us that God rescued us from the dominion of darkness. This is the realm of satan; where darkness, destruction, fear, confusion, and chaos dominate. Through His Son, Heavenly Father brought us into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, where we are redeemed from the curse of darkness and forgiven for our sins. This passage also tells us that all things were created by Jesus Christ. Everything visible and invisible; powers, rulers, and authorities—the whole shebang—Jesus Christ created it. He’s the one who holds it all together. Even though we can’t see how things are held together, faith dictates we must believe that our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is the all-powerful, everlasting glue.

When we’re losing it, and we’re unable to steady ourselves spiritually, emotionally, and mentally, it typically means that we’ve leaned too heavily on something worldly. This dependency on people, things, and situations is conveying an unwillingness to let go and let God. It’s an unhealthy dependency, and it will block us from growing in Christ and becoming the people Heavenly Father intends us to be. 2Corinithians 9:8 tells us that God is our sufficiency. Sometimes we desire Him to work it out so that we can continue to depend on other things rather than lean on Him, and we structure our prayers in this vain. Well, God desires us to have a strong faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This statement is so serious that our minds can’t really digest the totality of its truth. Everything in us is being held together by Christ, and it is our faith in him that causes the details of our lives to work out.

No one can deny that the world is changing and the times are challenging, but our God is in control, and this will never change. His plan is coming together, and it calls upon us to fasten ourselves to Him through prayer and faith. People are looking for those who will remain steady and stable through these troubling times. Let your faith be a teacher to the many that have their eyes upon you. As you have opportunity, remind them to pray in faith and to shift their attention, not to people and things, but on to God. He wants to do a mighty work in them, and He’s presenting you as a witness of unfailing faith.■

“Push Through, Sis!” written by Reverend Fran Mack, edited by Kim Times for Sundie Morning Sistas ©2018. All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord! SMS is dedicated to inspiring and encouraging Christian Women through the Word of God.

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