Negative thoughts are often pessimistic, self-defeating, and critical in nature. They oppose a mindset that is aligned with Christ and frequently stem from fixating on the worst possible outcomes or circumstances. Many of us have adopted this habit from role models who exhibit similar patterns, and over time, it becomesRead More →

There are inevitably days when being single feels like it’s outstayed its welcome. Longing for the companionship of a husband, you yearn for those days to pass quickly and never return. “Lord, how much longer must I wait?” you ask. The truth of Jeremiah 17:7-8 (NLT) gives us much-needed encouragement:Read More →

All of us grapple with moments of selfishness in our lives. We know that it’s not God’s Will for us to be this way, but it’s challenging for some of us to change these tendencies. God teaches us in Philippians 2:3-5 (NLT): “3 Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impressRead More →

In the midst of winter, my old neighbors moved away, making room for a new family to move into their house. This new family turned out to be a single mother with three children. Initially, they seemed reserved, but my old-school upbringing prompted me to push past surface impressions andRead More →