As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who want God to do big things in our lives, we have to be incredibly interested in what it means to be complete in Christ. God’s Word is packed with promises that not only affirm His plans for each of us individually butRead More →

Here’s the scenario of a Christian woman who is turning 50, has never been married, and deeply desires to be. She is troubled by the advice and attitudes of those around her: “What happened? It feels like I just turned 40 yesterday. Time has flown by so quickly. In justRead More →

What do you think about when you’re not busy, when you have some time to yourself? Do you have a habit of letting your mind wander aimlessly or drift into idle thoughts? This is something the Father advises us against. Allowing our minds to go idle for too long createsRead More →

You don’t have to settle for a dull or empty life just because you’re single. Sometimes, a simple change in perspective can make a big difference. Instead of focusing on a list of ‘must-haves’ for a potential partner, try creating a list of qualities and actions you can bring toRead More →