Our Willingness to be Teachable and Guided by the Holy Spirit

In Sandra’s spiritual journey in Christ, her willingness to be teachable and guided by the Holy Spirit has become increasingly crucial. As she seeks to strengthen her relationship with God, she also feels a profound loneliness and a longing for her life to change. The desire to meet someone new has grown stronger, and this yearning often weighs heavily on her heart. She’s been divorced a long time and is tired of doing things on her own. She imagines the companionship, love, and support that a partner could bring, yet that very longing sometimes leads her to rush into situations without seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

In our spiritual journey, our willingness to be teachable and guided by the Holy Spirit is crucial. Embracing a posture of openness towards God’s guidance allows us to receive His divine wisdom and direction in our lives. The Holy Spirit serves as our counselor and guide, helping us navigate life’s complexities and challenges. When we approach our faith with a teachable heart, we not only deepen our relationship with God but also position ourselves to grow, transform, and receive greater blessings.

Here are a few keys that can help us cultivate a mind and heart ready to move higher in blessings and spiritual growth:

Increase Your Humility to Learn
One of the biggest obstacles to spiritual growth is thinking we’ve “arrived.” Many of us believe we’re good where we are—strong in our faith, doing what we need to do. But the truth is, no matter how long we’ve been walking with Christ, we still have room to grow. And that growth only happens when we remain teachable.

As Proverbs 11:2 (NLT) states, “Pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.” This verse reminds us of the importance of humility in our spiritual journey. When we allow pride to take root, we shut ourselves off from the lessons and growth opportunities that God provides. Embracing a humble attitude keeps our hearts open to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, enabling us to learn, adapt, and flourish in our faith.

Confront Your Comfort Zones
Being teachable is about humility. It’s admitting that we don’t have all the answers and, more importantly, being open to correction and guidance from the Holy Spirit. Proverbs 1:7 (NLT) puts it plainly: “Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.” When we cease to learn or become too prideful to accept God’s guidance, we become too comfortable and find ourselves stuck in our spiritual growth.

Stepping out of our comfort zones often requires confronting the very beliefs and habits we cling to, and this can be quite uncomfortable. However, it’s essential for our spiritual development. When we allow the Holy Spirit to challenge us, we open ourselves to new insights and experiences that can deepen our faith in unexpected ways.

Emotionally, Sandra wasn’t ready to date, and this led to awkward stops and starts that were unhelpful to her spiritual growth. Each attempt to connect with someone new only highlighted the fears and insecurities that had intensified since her divorce. Initially, she thought she had everything figured out, convinced that diving into dating would fill the void she felt. But as she navigated the complexities and possibilities of new connections, nothing was working out the way she expected, leaving her feeling more lost than before.

It wasn’t until she began to seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance that Sandra realized her relationship with God wasn’t quite where it needed to be. She understood that before pursuing a significant relationship, she had to address the deeper issues within herself. This meant confronting her past hurts, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide her towards healing her broken places, and reclaiming the joy that had been overshadowed by disappointment.

Ultimately, confronting our comfort zones isn’t only about personal growth; it’s about aligning ourselves with God’s Will. As we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us through challenges, we become more attuned to His voice and more equipped to reflect Christ’s love in every aspect of our lives. Sandra is learning that when we step into the unknown, we can trust in the promise of Psalm 32:8 (NLT): “The Lord says, ‘I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.’” This assurance gives us the courage to face our fears and insecurities, knowing that God is not only with us, but He is actively guiding us through His Holy Spirit toward a future filled with hope and purpose.

Unlearn Old Pattern
The Holy Spirit will often lead us into uncomfortable places—not to hurt us, but to help us grow. It’s like a personal trainer pushing you beyond what you think you can handle. In John 16:13 (NLT), Jesus promised, “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth.” But we have to be willing to follow, even when the path gets tough.

Discomfort can reveal and anchor us in truths in ways that very little else can. This is especially true when it comes to unlearning old patterns that won’t serve us well as we strive to go higher in Christ. Like Sandra, we must unlearn some things—certain behaviors and mindsets. The Holy Spirit may reveal areas of pride or complacency that we didn’t even know existed—those places where we think we have it all together but are actually blocking God’s work in our lives.

That’s the thing about being teachable: it’s not just about gaining new knowledge; it’s about letting God refine you, sometimes through difficult lessons. Embracing this process of unlearning can lead to meaningful growth, as we shed what no longer serves us and make room for the new insights and transformations God has in store.

Embrace Correction and Growth
Sometimes God speaks to us through the people He places in our lives to challenge our thinking. Are we open to correction, even when it confronts our pride? It’s essential to ask ourselves: Am I genuinely receptive to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, even when it disrupts my comfort or challenges my beliefs? Being teachable means being open to the voices God sends our way to speak truth into our lives.

The more we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us, the more we’ll walk in the fullness of life that God has designed for us. Growth often requires us to examine our faith with honesty, letting go of old habits and embracing new perspectives. By welcoming correction and being willing to learn, we position ourselves for deeper transformation and a richer relationship with our Creator. Embracing this journey not only enhances our spiritual lives but also empowers us to reflect God’s love and wisdom and to be spiritually prepared for all that He has in store for us.■

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

“Our Willingness to be Teachable and Guided by the Holy Spirit”, written by Rev. Fran Mack. Edits by Kim Times and K. Lizzie for Sundie Morning Sistas ©2024. All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord! SMS is dedicated to inspiring and encouraging Christian Women through the Word of God.

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