Preparation for the Shake-Up

Life has a way of throwing curveballs, doesn’t it? Just when we think we have everything figured out, God allows a shake-up in unexpected ways. These moments of upheaval aren’t meant to break us; instead, they are opportunities for growth and transformation. Whether it’s a job loss, a relationship shift, or a sudden health scare, these shake-ups challenge us to reevaluate our lives and trust in God’s greater plan. Understanding that change is often a divine intervention helps us see that although God doesn’t cause them, He doesn’t let these seasons go to waste. He employs them to redirect our paths and draw us closer to Him.

The Wake-Up Call
For Sandra, the shake-up came when her job unexpectedly downsized. One day, she was moving through life on autopilot, and the next, she was faced with uncertainty. The shock of losing her steady income was more than just financial; it was a wake-up call. This disruption forced her to confront areas in her life that she had been ignoring. Sometimes, the shake-up serves as God’s alarm clock, jolting us out of our comfort zones and into a reality check that forces us to evaluate our priorities and seek Him more earnestly.

We often think our names are written on some grand schedule indicating when challenges will arise. Yet many of us perceive it that way, as if our Heavenly Father randomly pulls our name from a bowl to target us for troubles and trials. However, this perspective doesn’t reflect His masterful plan. We know two essential truths: 1) Our Heavenly Father is magnificent, brilliant, and perfect; and 2) all His plans are masterful. Therefore, when it comes to how He has designed the universe and orchestrates our lives, we need to elevate our thinking.

Our Heavenly Father designed life to be filled with His peace. Genesis 2:3 (KJV) tells us, “And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.” God concludes His work of creation and rests on the seventh day, blessing it and declaring it holy. Hebrews 4:9-10 (NLT) states, “So there is a special rest still waiting for the people of God. For all who have entered into God’s rest have rested from their labors, just as God did after creating the world.”

God’s rest is available to us. He isn’t moving us about like pawns on a chessboard. We have free will, and our Heavenly Father invites—but never forces—everyone who loves and honors Him to enter into His rest. He completed His glorious design, and everything in the universe will ultimately align with the masterful plan He has established. He created a universe where a wake-up call is on automatic when we fail to prioritize our relationship with Him, stop spiritually growing, or fall out of sync with His divine order.

God’s Purpose in the Disruption

Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT) tells us, “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” A disruption in our lives is almost always uncomfortable and reevaluating how we align with God’s plan for us is almost always necessary when it occurs. God doesn’t cause our mistakes, mishaps, or missteps, but when they happen, we have a chance to refocus on what truly matters. We can realign our lives with His Will, and step into new blessings that might be waiting just around the corner.

We also must consider whether we’ve allowed negative habit patterns to undermine our journey forward and higher for too long. Unrepented sin will ultimately be exposed, and when it comes calling, a shake-up is inevitable. Just as a seed must break apart to sprout, we too must let go of old ways to embrace the new life God has in store for us.

When we face these shake-ups, we can choose to resist or lean into the discomfort, allowing it to guide us back to our true purpose. It’s in these moments of upheaval that we can rediscover our strength and realign with God’s vision for our lives. Ultimately, every shake-up is an opportunity—a chance to shed what no longer serves us and to step into a higher calling with renewed faith and determination.

The Emotional Rollercoaster

It’s an emotional rollercoaster, forcing you to confront things you never wanted to or thought you’d have to. Feelings of fear, anxiety, and even anger often creep in, making us question our worth and our direction. One moment, we might feel a surge of hope; the next, we’re plunged into doubt. This tumultuous journey can feel isolating, but it’s also a universal experience that many of us share. It’s the shake-up before the breakthrough, and it almost always pushes us to examine who we really are and what we’re made of. However, it’s within this chaos that we find clarity, uncovering more of our identity in Christ and deepening our faith in the authority and power he has made available to us.

For Sandra, the initial shock sent her into sleepless nights filled with worry about her future. She often found herself doubting whether she’d ever find another job or if her life would always feel this chaotic. In those dark moments, she turned to God for comfort. Psalm 34:18 (NLT) became her anchor: “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.” This verse reminded her that God was with her in her struggle, providing the strength and comfort she needed to navigate the storm.

Preparing Our Hearts for What’s Next

Preparation isn’t just about planning; it’s about heart posture. In the face of disruption, we need to cultivate a heart willing to accept God’s Will for our lives, even when it’s uncomfortable. This period is marked by strengthening our grip on God’s Word and clinging to it ever so tightly. It involves embracing uncertainty and surrendering our own desires in favor of a greater purpose. Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT) encourages us: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” This scripture reminds us that a heart of gratitude prepares us for the shake-up, encouraging us to recognize God’s hand at work even when things feel chaotic.

Gratitude acts as a lens through which we can view our circumstances, transforming our focus from loss to abundance. Sandra learned firsthand that practicing gratitude shifted her perspective from what she had lost to the opportunities still ahead. If we dwell on our disappointments, we may obstruct our vision and fail to see the greater opportunities God has positioned for our elevation and promotions. Unrepented sin must be confronted as we plead the blood of Jesus, seek God’s forgiveness, and recognize the grace He extends for the sin we carry in our heart. The humility to be teachable and learn the lessons the shake-up reveals will help us rise higher in Christ. So, let’s view the shake-up not as an excuse to give up, but as an opportunity to grow spiritually, receive greater blessings, and deepen our relationship with God through Jesus Christ. ■

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

“Preparation for the Shake-Up”, written by Rev. Fran Mack. Edits by Kim Times and K. Lizzie for Sundie Morning Sistas ©2024. All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord! SMS is dedicated to inspiring and encouraging Christian Women through the Word of God.


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