When Life Feels Like a Losing Battle

There are some people in the world who were born into great privilege, and they have never known struggle or what it feels like to be without the things they take for granted. Annie’s journey, however, has not been like that at all. Her life has always been one of perseverance, where she’s had to press her way through by having faith in God. Divorced after leaving an abusive marriage eight years ago, with a 23-year-old son who still blames her for break-up of the family, she’s had to shoulder things alone the last several years. Still, she managed to move on and start over again. But now, things have taken an unexpected turn, and she’s in a battle like no other. With no savings, and a job she desperately needs, the weight of a chronic health diagnosis has Annie struggling to maintain the hope she once had.

The pain is relentless and debilitating—some days, just getting out of bed feels impossible. Her heartbreaks daily from the emotional weight of her broken relationship with her son. As she looks down the road, she said she sees a lonely and bleak future, but as God’s children, we must never give in to this kind of thinking. Throughout our lives, perseverance and faith have gotten us through so many moments of crisis. We didn’t think we’d make it, but God was always right there with us. He brought us through, and He will do the same for Annie.

When our backs are against the wall, and the enemy is whirling devastating blows, it can feel as though we’re caught in an unrelenting storm. The weight of what we’re dealing with can push us into a very dark place where sadness, despair, and hopelessness overwhelm us. In our minds, we’re spiraling into the trap of defeat the enemy has waiting for us. But here’s what we need to remember: To change the entire trajectory of our existences, all it takes is our faith in just one of God’s promises—yes, just one.

The Power of One Promise
God’s promises are not just words; they are guarantees. One promise, when fully embraced with every ounce of faith we can muster, has the power to change everything. Philippians 4:13 (NKJV) tells us, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” This is a simple verse, but its truth is monumental. Every believer should allow this truth to permeate their hearts. It shifts our perspective from fear to trust, from hopelessness to hope. We should allow this single promise from God to ignite a fire of determination and strength in us.

Psalm 34:8 (NLT) invites us to “Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!” God is inviting us to personally experience His goodness and discover His faithfulness. Like all His promises, these words are not merely statements, they are life to us! They secure our well-being and transform our futures.

Tasting something represents experiential knowledge, because we must actually put something in our mouths and engage our senses to indulge the experience of taste. In this same way, we must digest the Word of God—taking it in, meditating on it, and living by it—to experience the fullness of God’s goodness and the life His Word gives us. God’s Word nourishes us in ways we can’t imagine, and as we take it in, our relationship with Him grows deeper. It’s beyond an intellectual understanding. Digesting God’s Word is a spiritual, transformative experience, stirring the joy in our souls that comes from taking refuge in Him.

Trusting God When You Can’t See the Full Picture

We don’t see the full picture, and we can’t know all the ‘whys’ behind our situations and circumstances. Of course, all of us want to make sense of the challenges we’re experiencing, but the only thing we really need to grasp is that we have a spiritual enemy who is both relentless and wicked. Our call is to exceed the enemy’s relentless attempts to steal God’s Word from our hearts with an even greater commitment to hold firmly to God’s promises in faith. We need to know that we can put the enemy to shame through our loyalty and tenacity to take God at His Word.

No matter what we’re facing, in Christ, there’s no losing. This truth is powerful, and it must saturate our hearts and propel our believing to higher levels of faith. Life may bring challenges, trials, and even moments of defeat, but as children of God, we are not destined for failure. In Christ, we are victorious! 1 John 5:4 (NLT) tells us, For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith.” It’s about knowing that no matter what we face, we cannot lose because Christ has already won the ultimate victory. Our battles may be real, but they are temporary. The victory we have in Christ is eternal.

Like all of us, Annie must remain committed to renew her mind no matter how challenging life becomes. God will never abandoned her, but her faith is required. Our trust in Him must fuel our faith, raise our expectations, and give us the courage to face whatever comes our way. Through Christ, we already have the victory—not because of our strength, but because of his. So, even when life feels like a losing battle, it isn’t. Philippians 1:6 assures us that God has begun a good work within us through Jesus Christ, and He is faithful to finish it. His plan is still at work in our lives, and there are better days ahead. ■

Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.

“When Life Feels Like a Losing Battle”, written by Rev. Fran Mack. Edits by Kim Times and K. Lizzie for Sundie Morning Sistas ©2024. All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord! SMS is dedicated to inspiring and encouraging Christian Women through the Word of God.


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