Proverbs 10:12(NLT) “Hatred stirs up quarrels, but love makes up for all offenses.” Some women seem to thrive on confrontation, and they always want to be right. Whether in restaurants, work, or anywhere really, they give off the vibe that they’re just waiting for an opportunity to crash out onRead More →

“He’ll come when you aren’t looking.” If you’re in wait mode for the one God has ordained to walk with you through life, you’ve probably heard this phrase more times than you can count. Of course, it’s said by well-meaning people—those who know that this has been on our heartsRead More →

Recently, I heard a man say, “Men aren’t scared of marriage; they’re scared of divorce.” That statement stuck with me because there’s truth to it. Many men aren’t hesitant about committing—they’re hesitant about what happens if that commitment falls apart. Statistics show that the majority of divorces are initiated byRead More →