I’ve noticed something interesting in conversations with people who haven’t accepted Jesus Christ. Many of them, like a friend I spoke to recently, claim that they don’t have faith in God because they “just don’t get it.” They say they’re confused by all the different things they’ve heard about Him,Read More →

Luke 6:36 (NLT) “You must be compassionate, just as your Father is compassionate.” When it comes to understanding God’s nature, one of the most beautiful and comforting aspects is His compassion. I’ve had conversations with friends and fellow believers who struggle with misconceptions about God. They often don’t see HimRead More →

As sisters in Christ, we should remember to keep those who are emotionally hurting in our prayers. A harsh break-up can be one of the toughest emotional battles to face, and many women of faith are heartbroken and really going through it. It’s especially difficult when you’ve invested so muchRead More →

Take a moment to look at your life—the blessings you’ve received, your job, the car you drive, and the people around you. Are you satisfied with where you are? Whether we realize it or not, all of us have a tremendous amount to be grateful for. We should be incrediblyRead More →

Never did I imagine I would be that woman—the kind of woman who became nervous when my man took longer than usual at the store, the one who discretely checked his phone while he was in the shower, or the one who felt insecure at the thought of him spendingRead More →

We often hear a lot about the importance of sacrifice in relationships and what it means to die to ourselves for the person we love. But what about those times when God calls us to sacrifice what we want in order to receive something better? There are moments when HeRead More →

This past weekend, my good friend and coworker experienced an unimaginable loss—her husband was taken from her in a tragic event. The pain in her voice as she received the news was gut-wrenching. It shook all of us who were there with her. As I stood by her, I couldRead More →

We live in an “on the double” culture where everything has to happen right now. If the truth is told, for many of us waiting isn’t just inconvenient, some of us act as if it’s plain unacceptable. If the drive-thru line takes too long, we get so angry about waitingRead More →

No one can truly describe heartbreak or understand the depth of pain it brings unless they’ve experienced it themselves. Even after going through a few broken relationships, when the next one ends, it still feels just as heavy and painful as the first. It’s like your whole world falls apart,Read More →

If you’ve ever flown on an airplane, you’ve probably heard the phrase “brace for impact” from the flight attendants. It’s a serious warning that tells you everything you would need to know in order to prepare for a potential crash or rough landing. The intent is that, in moments ofRead More →