“31 If you listen to constructive criticism, you will be at home among the wise. 32 If you reject discipline, you only harm yourself; but if you listen to correction, you grow in understanding.” Proverbs 15:31-32 (NLT)  This passage in Proverbs is one of my favorite because it’s extremely simplisticRead More →

“I just don’t understand where God is taking me!” How many of us have felt this way? It’s a season where nothing you thought you knew before applies to the life you’re living right now. All of us want to feel as though we’re in control of certain things. ItRead More →

A good friend of mine is a very attractive guy. He has a good job, dresses very nicely and receives tons of attention from women. I think he knows that he’s handsome, but not in an egotistical way. Although he’s quite a bit younger than me, I find his demeanorRead More →

Sometimes, information comes across our ears for a very specific reason. For instance, I was grocery shopping recently, and overheard a woman telling an acquaintance she’d bumped into that she was getting a divorce. She said loudly, “And I’m never getting married again. I’m not putting up with anyone else’sRead More →

A study found that most children growing up in the 21st century will be raised in a home where both parents or guardians work. Although the numbers of stay-at-home fathers has increased, it also found that women carry the brunt of caring for children, and the number of females thatRead More →

Psalm 127:1(NLT) “Unless the Lord builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted. Unless the Lord protects a city, guarding it with sentries will do no good.” Over the years, I’ve seen and enjoyed the many wonderful blessings that the Lord has given me. He’s brought people intoRead More →

I recently watched a movie about a man that was allowed to go back in time and experience the life he could have had. In this life, he was a pastor who had a loving wife and children, but his real life was quite different. He had chosen to pursueRead More →

Galatians 6:7(NLT) tells us, “Don’t be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant.” What does it mean to mock the justice of God? Well, take for instance, whenever something tragic occurs, many people call it an act of God. They have been taughtRead More →

1Peter 3:12-13(NLT) 12 The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right, and his ears are open to their prayers. But the Lord turns his face against those who do evil.”13 Now, who will want to harm you if you are eager to do good?” My great-grandmother wasRead More →

Dear Heavenly Father, You are awesome and amazing, and there is none like You. Your name is holy and worthy to be praised. Thank You for making us Your children through Your Son, Jesus Christ, and thank You for sending him to the earth to give his life for theRead More →

Are you spiritually prepared for a relationship? If so, then you know that one of the first steps in moving towards a Godly relationship is to evaluate yourself according to God’s Word. 2Corinthians 13:5(NLT) tells us, “Examine yourselves to see if your faith is genuine. Test yourselves.” Marriage is goingRead More →

Dear Heavenly Father, You are holy and magnificent. There is none like You, and You have no equal. You are in a category all by Yourself, and everything You do is filled with Your glory and love. Thank You for creating us and making us Your children through Your belovedRead More →

Jesus Christ defines our faith. This is something you and I must remember every moment of our lives. Romans 10:17(NLT) tells us “So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.” Heavenly Father’s plan is for us to read and digest the Good News about JesusRead More →

If you’ve been single for years, odds are that you already know what your likes and dislikes are. You know what irritates you, and you know more about your tolerance level. But do you know what it will take to get out of your own way, so that the thingsRead More →

As parents, we have huge responsibilities, and one of them is to be an example for our children. This can be a very delicate walk especially when you are a single parent. When our relationships with the children’s father ends, for some of us, it is a devastating event. OurRead More →

It’s challenging to imagine that our loving Heavenly Father would hate anything, but the Bible tells us specific actions and attitudes that are an abomination to Him. An abomination is something God finds detestable, and pride is one of those things. Pride is an attitude and mindset that is expressedRead More →

We are living in a time where everyone seems to be out for themselves. Not only is our selfishness unparalleled, but arrogance has captured the attitudes and mindsets of many people as well. I made some remarks about this, and someone said that I was too harsh. The person said,Read More →

“31 If you listen to constructive criticism, you will be at home among the wise. 32; If you reject discipline, you only harm yourself; but if you listen to correction, you grow in understanding.” Proverbs 15:31-32(NLT) People say I have a way of making others feel comfortable, and it’s easyRead More →

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for giving us so many opportunities to speak Your Word of Life into the lives of so many individuals. Thank You for blessing me to interact with different people from all walks of life. Thank You for helping me to maximize these opportunities for YourRead More →

In Matthew 16:19-20(NLT), Jesus Christ tells us, “19 Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal.”Read More →