2Corinthians 12:9(NLT) “Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.” You and I cannot imagine the challenges that the Apostle Paul hadRead More →

I, like so many of those who knew her, believed that Twawni Davis was destined for great things. In addition to her model good looks, she was the most talented individual I had ever known, and as a young person I was always mesmerized in her company. Of course, sheRead More →

Dear Heavenly Father, Ephesians 2:10(NLT) tells us, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Thank You for letting us know how You see us, Dear Father. We are Your glorious creation—YourRead More →

Dear Heavenly Father, You tell us in Isaiah 55:8-9(NLT), “8 My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts…And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. 9 For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher thanRead More →

 Years ago, my sisters and I were traveling and while waiting in the Atlanta airport one summer, we spotted a famous R&B group. They made a veiled attempt to travel incognito, wearing shades to hide their identities. Folks that are accustomed to the perks of celebrity often have an energyRead More →

Whether it’s on our jobs, in our family life, or in our lives period, many of us are guilty of spreading ourselves too thin. We are trying to get too many things done in a limited amount of time. This can cause us to compromise the quality of our livesRead More →

            Have you known a person who constantly brags about themselves? This is someone that dominates most of their conversations with painting themselves in the best possible light. They twist the facts and distort the truth, so they come out looking like a hero everyRead More →

Deuteronomy 11:22(NLT) “Be careful to obey all these commands I am giving you. Show love to the LORD your God by walking in his ways and holding tightly to him.” As a mother, you want to make sure that you provide enough love, guidance, and support for your children soRead More →

Dear Heavenly Father, In Psalm 56:1, the psalmist, King David, cried out to you and begged for your mercy. He said that people were hounding him, and his enemies were trying to attack him all day long. Many of us know how this feels. Life can seem like a perpetualRead More →

Throughout our spiritual journey on earth in the Lord Jesus Christ, we learn many useful lessons in our places of worship and fellowship. However, one of the most primary lessons of faith and believing is sometimes overlooked, and it is learning to handle the blessings we seek. Some call itRead More →

Dear Heavenly Father, In 2Chronicles 7:14(NKJV), You told Your people living in Old Testament times, “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sinRead More →

The Word of God tells us in Philippians 4:6(NLT), “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” This verse is so simple and wonderful that many of us won’t let ourselves trust it. Our Heavenly Father tellsRead More →

Dear Heavenly Father, Life can seem like a rollercoaster sometimes. We pray to receive blessings and to accomplish goals that are really important to us, but it seems that very shortly after we receive them, things kinda go haywire. There are challenges and obstacles that come with the blessing, andRead More →

“Marriage is not for me – I just don’t see myself being with the same person year after year.”  Have you ever heard someone make this statement? I have, and I know folks over 50 that have never been married and still continue to feel this way. “Marriage just isn’tRead More →

In 2Timothy 2:15, Heavenly Father tells us to do everything in our power to be approved by Him as a good worker. He defines a ‘good worker’ as a person that has no reason to be ashamed because this person is someone that handles His Word correctly. Anyone that isRead More →

Fall is Here!!! It’s hard to believe that we’re nearing the last few months of the year. I hope that most of you enjoyed the sunshine of summer and got a lot of time outdoors with your family and friends…that’s what summer is all about. Although summer is behind usRead More →

Dear Heavenly Father, Many of us are waiting on You to do something great in our lives. The road that we have been traveling hasn’t been easy, and those familiar with our struggles encourage us to keep holding on to Your unchanging hands. Sometimes, Father, we get knocked down. ThereRead More →

Have you ever been in a meeting or situation where you swore you were going to keep your thoughts to yourself, then someone said something to push your buttons and you opened your mouth before you knew it. You might have rehearsed your cool, calm, and collected demeanor in your head aRead More →

Matthew 16:19(NLT), “And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.” You want to be married to a man that is compatible with you in allRead More →

Dear Heavenly Father, You tell us in Psalm 37:5(NLT), “Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.” Father, sometimes we read Your direct and plain instructions, but we don’t allow the impact of them to resonate in our souls. In this verse, we understandRead More →

From the outside, my mother’s house looks like any other traditional brick ranch.  Enter the front door, though, and you’ll feel like you’ve walked into a cottage of love. The memories of the home she made for us growing up reminds me of God’s wisdom in Proverbs 14:1(NLT). It says,Read More →

There are millions of Sisters with a dream in their hearts and they’ve tried to go after it, but time and time again, their efforts were squashed. The disappointment of this can be paralyzing. It’s like quicksand, preventing us from moving forward or upward. Our pumpkins may not turn intoRead More →

Dear Heavenly Father, The psalmist said in Psalms 73:1-3(NLT), “Truly God is good to Israel, to those whose hearts are pure. But as for me, I almost lost my footing. My feet were slipping, and I was almost gone. For I envied the proud when I saw them prosper despiteRead More →

The other day I read an article about a man that committed a crime in 1970. Authorities have only now apprehended him after he’s been on the run for over 40 years. Very few of us can understand the enormous weight of running from one’s past this long. He must’veRead More →