Larry and Renee met during orientation at their new job six years ago, and from that very first interaction, Larry felt an undeniable spark. There was something unique about Renee that drew him in, but he never found the courage to take the next step. They worked on the sameRead More →

Jesus Christ reminds us in Matthew 5:4 (NLT), “God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” This verse speaks to a profound truth that often gets overlooked in our fast-paced world. Many of us have been so incredibly blessed in life that it’s hard to fathom what it’sRead More →

One of the fundamental lessons we encounter early in our Christian walk is that faith demands more than just a superficial belief. It requires a deep, genuine commitment from both our mind and heart. To truly embrace faith, we need to understand that it’s not just about wishing for somethingRead More →

Many of God’s daughters put a lot of effort into relationships that were never meant to end in marriage. When these relationships drag on, they often bring a burden that takes time to notice. By the time you realize you’re on the wrong track, it can be hard to changeRead More →

The fear of failure can often feel like a heavy shackle, holding us back and turning our dreams into distant possibilities. We get paralyzed by doubt, standing still like a deer caught in headlights, too scared to make a move. But here’s the truth: waiting for everything to be perfectRead More →

Ecclesiastes 11:5 (NLT) “Just as you cannot understand the path of the wind or the mystery of a tiny baby growing in its mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the activity of God, who does all things.” This verse really drives home how mysterious and beyond our grasp God’s workRead More →

Ephesians 4:29-32 (NLT) provides clear guidance on how we should communicate and live our lives. It says, “Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them. And do not bring sorrow toRead More →

Our Heavenly Father, Yahweh, the Great I Am, is brilliant beyond what we could ever attempt to define with human words. He is magnificent beyond magnificence, perfect beyond perfection, and majestic beyond majesty. God is glorious, righteous, and holy, deserving of all glory, honor, and praise. In truth, He isRead More →

When you’re praying and making requests before God, it’s important to be specific about what you’re asking for. Being specific demonstrates that you’ve thoughtfully considered your desires and are mindful of what you truly need. Sometimes we ask God for blessings that might not be the best for our lives,Read More →

Did you ever ask yourself, “what does God think of me?” Well, the answer to that question is beautifully articulated in Ephesians 2:10(NLT): “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” InRead More →

As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ who want God to do big things in our lives, we have to be incredibly interested in what it means to be complete in Christ. God’s Word is packed with promises that not only affirm His plans for each of us individually butRead More →

Here’s the scenario of a Christian woman who is turning 50, has never been married, and deeply desires to be. She is troubled by the advice and attitudes of those around her: “What happened? It feels like I just turned 40 yesterday. Time has flown by so quickly. In justRead More →

What do you think about when you’re not busy, when you have some time to yourself? Do you have a habit of letting your mind wander aimlessly or drift into idle thoughts? This is something the Father advises us against. Allowing our minds to go idle for too long createsRead More →

You don’t have to settle for a dull or empty life just because you’re single. Sometimes, a simple change in perspective can make a big difference. Instead of focusing on a list of ‘must-haves’ for a potential partner, try creating a list of qualities and actions you can bring toRead More →

We’ve all heard someone say, “I don’t have to get ready because I stay ready!” It sounds pretty confident, but it would be even better if everyone who said that really understood what God has promised us. Imagine if we all realized how God has prepared us to stand strongRead More →

As believers who love and honor our Heavenly Father, embracing flexibility to His Will is essential for demonstrating obedience and reverence toward Him. We must recognize that we are not in control; He is. He holds our future in His hands, a truth we need to constantly remember. Life frequentlyRead More →

Many of us are concerned about the increasing number of Christian women that are single but greatly desire marriage. This trend prompts us to reflect on what might be contributing to the situation. We could probably come up with a dozen possible explanations, and they might include a scarcity ofRead More →

Being single can be challenging, especially when you’re shouldering responsibilities like raising children, working, and managing all the household expenses on your own. The weight of these responsibilities can sometimes feel overwhelming, opening the door for despair, doubt, and loneliness to creep in. Many single Christian women find themselves wonderingRead More →

Life can be incredibly challenging, and we all face moments when sadness seems to engulf us. Whether it’s due to personal loss, stress, or the weight of daily struggles, these feelings can be overwhelming. But here’s a comforting and uplifting truth: God doesn’t want you to remain in that placeRead More →

We live in uncertain and unpredictable times, where even the things we once took for granted, like our basic comforts and security, are no longer guaranteed. With so much up in the air, it’s crucial for us to stay alert and prepared. We cannot know the exact moment when ourRead More →

Dealing with the mistakes and regrets of our past is something that’s on a lot of our minds. We all carry memories of moments we wish we could relive differently—whether it’s relationships that didn’t turn out as we hoped, opportunities we let slip through our fingers, or decisions we lookRead More →

Most men I know would likely agree that respect is the most important quality in a wife. This consensus suggests that, for many men, respect is a fundamental aspect of a successful marriage. Mutual respect not only sets the stage for a lasting union but is also a truth thatRead More →