[mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_image id=”265″ size=”full” link_type=”custom_url” link=”#” target=”false” caption=”false” align=”left”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_row_inner] [mp_span_inner col=”12″ classes=” motopress-space”] [mp_space margin=”none,20,none,none”] [/mp_span_inner] [/mp_row_inner] [mp_row_inner] [mp_span_inner col=”12″] An older, gray-haired man said to my husband the other day that he had found the way, and that he needed toRead More →

[mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_image id=”306″ size=”full” link_type=”custom_url” link=”#” target=”false” caption=”false” align=”left”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_row_inner] [mp_span_inner col=”12″ classes=” motopress-space”] [mp_space margin=”none,20,none,none”] [/mp_span_inner] [/mp_row_inner] [mp_row_inner] [mp_span_inner col=”12″] Breaking up with a person that you’ve loved very deeply can be a difficult thing to bear, and some people encounter seriousRead More →

[mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_image id=”265″ size=”full” link_type=”custom_url” link=”#” target=”false” caption=”false” align=”left”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″ classes=” motopress-space”] [mp_space margin=”none,20,none,none”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] Somewhere between the explosive popularity of self-help and new revelations regarding the abundant life that Jesus Christ made available, it became uncomfortable and unacceptable forRead More →

Over the course of the next year, you are going to witness a kiss of God’s favor that is unlike anything you’ve experienced to date. It will be unprecedented in the fact that you will literally feel and see the hand of God in your circumstances. Details of which youRead More →

[mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_image id=”441″ size=”full” link_type=”custom_url” link=”#” target=”false” caption=”false” align=”left”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″ classes=” motopress-space”] [mp_space margin=”none,20,none,none”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] Proverbs 18:14 (NLT), “The human spirit can endure a sick body, but who can bear a crushed spirit?” If you wake up in the morningRead More →

[mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_image id=”265″ size=”full” link_type=”custom_url” link=”#” target=”false” caption=”false” align=”left”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″ classes=” motopress-space”] [mp_space margin=”none,20,none,none”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] In John 10:10 (NKJV), Jesus Christ said, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come thatRead More →

[mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_image id=”400″ size=”full” link_type=”custom_url” link=”#” target=”false” caption=”false” align=”left”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″ classes=” motopress-space”] [mp_space margin=”none,20,none,none”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] Gifts of expensive jewelry, bouquets of beautiful flowers, and dinners at nice restaurants; these are the tangible things that a lot of us associate withRead More →

[mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_image id=”306″ size=”full” link_type=”custom_url” link=”#” target=”false” caption=”false” align=”left”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″ classes=” motopress-space”] [mp_space margin=”none,20,none,none”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] I once worked for a man that most viewed as the ornery type. He was even called ‘Grinch’ because of his grisly voice and hisRead More →

[mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_image id=”441″ size=”full” link_type=”custom_url” link=”#” target=”false” caption=”false” align=”left”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″ classes=” motopress-space”] [mp_space margin=”none,20,none,none”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] Proverbs 15:31-32 (NLT) “If you listen to constructive criticism, you will be at home among the wise. If you reject discipline, you only harm yourself;Read More →

[mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_image id=”265″ size=”full” link_type=”custom_url” link=”#” target=”false” caption=”false” align=”left”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″ classes=” motopress-space”] [mp_space margin=”none,20,none,none”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] There are certain times during your life in the Spirit that you will not be able to move forward in a dynamic way unless youRead More →

  Entertainment news is notorious for making a very big deal when someone in the royal family is dating someone new. They will investigate every detail they can find on the person and cover it extensively.  If you’re anything like me, you might ask yourself why would anyone be interestedRead More →

A good friend of mine met a man through another mutual friend. They engaged in a little small talk, exchanged numbers, and he said that he would call her in a couple of days when he was back in town. True to his word, he phoned. They had a fewRead More →

  Jude 1:17-21 ( NLT): 17 But you, my dear friends, must remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ told you, 18 that in the last times there would be scoffers whose purpose in life is to enjoy themselves in every evil way imaginable. 19 Now they areRead More →

[mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_image id=”306″ size=”full” link_type=”custom_url” link=”#” target=”false” caption=”false” align=”left”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″ classes=” motopress-space”] [mp_space margin=”none,20,none,none”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] In the Old Testament, in 2 Samuel, Chapter 21, God tells us about an occurrence in King David’s life, and it will most definitely putRead More →

If we are honest, we all have to admit that sometimes we get a little ahead of ourselves. God blesses us to achieve success, and when it comes to important decisions, we might begin to think that we do not have to lean on His intervention and guidance as heavilyRead More →

[mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_image id=”306″ size=”full” link_type=”custom_url” link=”#” target=”false” caption=”false” align=”left”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_row_inner] [mp_span_inner col=”12″ classes=” motopress-space”] [mp_space margin=”none,20,none,none”] [/mp_span_inner] [/mp_row_inner] [mp_row_inner] [mp_span_inner col=”12″] Right now, most of us have a laundry list of things that we desire from Heavenly Father. We pray and ask HimRead More →

[mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_row_inner] [mp_span_inner col=”12″] [mp_image id=”400″ size=”full” link_type=”custom_url” link=”#” target=”false” caption=”false” align=”left”] [/mp_span_inner] [/mp_row_inner] [mp_row_inner] [mp_span_inner col=”12″ classes=” motopress-space”] [mp_space margin=”none,20,none,none”] [/mp_span_inner] [/mp_row_inner] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] “Can’t tell yawl young folks nothing – think you know everything!” If I had a dollar for every time myRead More →

[mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_image id=”400″ size=”full” link_type=”custom_url” link=”#” target=”false” caption=”false” align=”left”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″ classes=” motopress-space”] [mp_space margin=”none,20,none,none”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested,Read More →

“And I will give them singleness of heart and put a new spirit within them. I will take away their stony, stubborn heart and give them a tender, responsive heart.” Ezekiel 11:19 (NLT) I know of a young woman in her twenties who, when asked about dating, constantly says thatRead More →

  “As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the real person.” Proverbs 27:19 (NLT) God knows our hearts, but it is impossible for anyone to know what is truly at the root of someone else’s heart. Heavenly Father didn’t give any of us the ability toRead More →

As we grow and mature in our relationship with Christ, we experience a corresponding increase in confidence and contentment. This growth extends beyond our spiritual life and begins to manifest in other areas, particularly in our significant relationships. What we may not fully grasp is that our growth and maturityRead More →