[mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_row_inner] [mp_span_inner col=”12″] [mp_image id=”306″ size=”full” link_type=”custom_url” link=”#” target=”false” caption=”false” align=”left”] [/mp_span_inner] [/mp_row_inner] [mp_row_inner] [mp_span_inner col=”12″ classes=” motopress-space”] [mp_space margin=”none,20,none,none”] [/mp_span_inner] [/mp_row_inner] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] Let’s be honest, it can be said of many of us that the reason why we don’t have what weRead More →

[mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_image id=”265″ size=”full” link_type=”custom_url” link=”#” target=”false” caption=”false” align=”left”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″ classes=” motopress-space”] [mp_space margin=”none,15,none,none”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] We are continually before God’s eyes. He knows every detail there is to know about us. There is nothing about your life and the thingsRead More →

[mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_image id=”441″ size=”full” link_type=”custom_url” link=”#” target=”false” caption=”false” align=”left”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_row_inner] [mp_span_inner col=”12″ classes=” motopress-space”] [mp_space margin=”none,15,none,none”] [/mp_span_inner] [/mp_row_inner] [mp_row_inner] [mp_span_inner col=”12″] Matthew 5:14 (NLT) “You are the light of the world – like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.” JohnRead More →

[mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_image id=”265″ size=”full” link_type=”custom_url” link=”#” target=”false” caption=”false” align=”left”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″ classes=” motopress-space”] [mp_space margin=”none,10,none,none”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] You didn’t just all of a sudden decide to be God’s child. He handpicked you out before you were even in your mother’s womb. HeRead More →

[mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_image id=”400″ size=”full” link_type=”custom_url” link=”#” target=”false” caption=”false” align=”left”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″ classes=” motopress-space”] [mp_space margin=”none,10,none,none”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] By today’s definition, companionship doesn’t mean what it used to. Now and days, people use it as a term to define an alternative to marriage. I can’tRead More →

Those who do not believe in our Precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, have certain expectations and misconceptions about those of us who do. Historically, many unbelievers have expected and assumed that Christians are happy all the time; that they have a particular tolerance for suffering. It’s well known thatRead More →

[mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_image id=”265″ size=”full” link_type=”custom_url” link=”#” target=”false” caption=”false” align=”left”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″ classes=” motopress-space”] [mp_space margin=”none,10,none,none”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] 1John 3:2(NIV) tells us, “Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But weRead More →

Deuteronomy 11:26-28 (NLT) “Look, today I am giving you the choice between a blessing and a curse! 27 You will be blessed if you obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today. 28 But you will be cursed if you reject the commands ofRead More →

[mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] Ephesians 1:3 (KJV) “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.” Can women have it all? There was a time in Christianity, where women were relegated only to certain roles, andRead More →

[mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_row_inner] [mp_span_inner col=”12″] [mp_image id=”400″ size=”full” link_type=”custom_url” link=”#” target=”false” caption=”false” align=”left”] [/mp_span_inner] [/mp_row_inner] [mp_row_inner] [mp_span_inner col=”12″ classes=” motopress-space”] [mp_space margin=”none,10,none,none”] [/mp_span_inner] [/mp_row_inner] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] Psalm 139:23-24 (NLT) 23 Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24Read More →

[mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_image id=”265″ size=”full” link_type=”custom_url” link=”#” target=”false” caption=”false” align=”left”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_row_inner] [mp_span_inner col=”12″ classes=” motopress-space”] [mp_space margin=”none,10,none,none”] [/mp_span_inner] [/mp_row_inner] [mp_row_inner] [mp_span_inner col=”12″]   God has made it very clear that He wants us to have a fantastic life. We know this because Jesus ChristRead More →

[mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_image id=”306″ size=”full” link_type=”custom_url” link=”#” target=”false” caption=”false” align=”left”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″ classes=” motopress-space”] [mp_space margin=”none,10,none,none”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] Erica Lewis is the kind of woman that everyone refers to as a ‘free spirit’.  She lives every day to the fullest on purpose. She’sRead More →

Romans 8:28-29New Living Translation (NLT) 28 And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. 29 For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son,Read More →

Proverbs 20:19 (NIV)  A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid anyone who talks too much. Women tend to be more social when it comes to conversing among each other. In most cases, we are certainly more talkative than men, and quite naturally this makes us prone to spend more timeRead More →

[mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_image id=”306″ size=”full” link_type=”custom_url” link=”#” target=”false” caption=”false” align=”left”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″ classes=” motopress-space”] [mp_space] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] Hebrews 12:1 (NLT) Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weightRead More →

Like attracts like. You may not want to believe this, but it is entirely true. Our hanging partners, sister-friends, and those we consider to be our besties resonate and respond with a soul quality in us that is very much like something within themselves. So it stands to reason thatRead More →

In the Old Testament, there were several times when God’s chosen people would turn their backs on Him and forget His goodness. Some of us today look at this and wonder to ourselves how could it be. How could those living in Old Testament times witness all the extraordinary thingsRead More →

Romans 8:28(NKJV) is one among many jewels in the crown of knowledge and wisdom that God has given us. It says, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” When we think ofRead More →

[mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″]   Not too long ago, a woman confided in me that her last relationship with a man had been several years ago, and she has been celibate for a very long, LONG, LONG time. She has single handedly raised her son into a wonderfully loving man, andRead More →