One of the most challenging situations we face is that of waiting on a blessing to come through, and it takes so much longer to materialize than we expect. Whether it is loneliness, lack, sickness, or the heartache of a broken relationship, we either know individuals that are dealing withRead More →

John 21 tells us that several of the disciples decided to go fishing in the Sea of Galilee, but they caught nothing. We can most certainly compare this record in John 21 to many of the situations we’re dealing with today. We get up each morning and prepare ourselves toRead More →

In Luke 14:25-35, our precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, teaches us about the cost of being his disciple. During the time in which this passage took place, there was a weeding process going on—a thinning out process if you will. Lots of folks followed Jesus Christ for the wrongRead More →

The person that we choose as a partner is not necessarily who God would choose for us. We typically have no idea how monumentally consequential this statement is. We do the pickings, and then we ask God to cosign, and that’s not how that thing works. I think some ofRead More →

From the Book of Job in the Old Testament, we can learn tremendous principles and great divine truths. The drama of Job’s record begins in Chapter 1, and there we learn that Job lived in the land of Uz. God’s Word also tells us that Job was perfect, a manRead More →

There are only two books in the bible named after women, Ruth and Esther, in the Old Testament. I personally love them both, but the Book of Ruth is the one from which I draw the most relatable encouragement. I marvel continually at Ruth’s devotion to her mother in law,Read More →

There are some people who don’t like surprises of any kind. They don’t want surprise ingredients in their foods, don’t want surprise birthday parties, spontaneous trips, or surprise gifts. The idea of being presented with anything unexpectedly is a no-go for them, and they are not amused. The irony isRead More →

Jesus Christ gave a strong, but short and to-the-point warning in Luke 17:32(NLT). He said, “Remember Lot’s wife.” For this warning to hit our hearts and minds as impactful as it must, we need to know a little bit more about Lot’s predicament. He was Abraham’s nephew, and when AbrahamRead More →

Believers should take time every day to reflect on what God has done for us through the Lord Jesus Christ. We should be so incredibly thankful that He has saved us, and not only this, He has chosen us to be His sons and daughters. Romans 8:29(NLT) tells us, “ForRead More →

Heavenly Father is a God who blesses with increase and abundance. We see this right from the beginning, in Genesis 1:20-24. God created whales and other sea creatures, and every living thing that scurries and swarms in the water. He created the birds as well, everything producing after its ownRead More →

Proverbs 14:12, 16:25(NLT) says, “There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death.” The path that seems right is the one most people will take, and it is the one that most people are on today. It’s a comfortable path, one that our fore-parentsRead More →

  Jesus Christ asked in Mark 9:23, “What do you mean, ‘If I can’? Anything is possible if a person believes.” In this healing miracle that transpired in Mark 9:14-27, a father asked Jesus to cast out a demon that had possessed his son, but this father was not fullyRead More →

Many believers today are experiencing tremendous challenges in their marriages, health, finances, and overall well-being. The pressure of our circumstances puts our backs against the wall, and we feel as if we don’t know what to do. We’ve prayed constantly to the Father about it, and there does seem toRead More →

There are three words that sum up any individual’s attitude towards God, our Creator: supernatural, identity, and purpose. How we view these words will ultimately determine how we approach life, and most importantly, how we approach God. He desires a relationship with every human being living and that has everRead More →

I make a point of trying not to refer to human-beings as creators of anything, because in truth this would be a misleading statement. None of us are creators. We have the pleasure of taking what the Father has created and making something out of it; but it’s His rawRead More →

When will it end? This is the question many of us are asking Heavenly Father. We are perplexed by the magnitude of spiritual warfare we’re facing, because it is beyond the level of anything we’ve encountered in the past. And not only are our problems complex, they are compounded byRead More →


A wonderful sister in Christ that’s in her early sixties wrote to me about the challenges of finding a good man. She’s looking for companionship that will ultimately lead to marriage, but she’s feeling very pessimistic about finding a compatible partner. Most women have a pretty good feel for theRead More →

There have been times where my life felt like a washing machine. All the various components of my life were my laundry, and without my knowing it at the time, they were being cleaned. Every season of spiritual growth and promotion will take us through this washing-machine process, but itRead More →