Believers should take time every day to reflect on what God has done for us through the Lord Jesus Christ. We should be so incredibly thankful that He has saved us, and not only this, He has chosen us to be His sons and daughters. Romans 8:29(NLT) tells us, “ForRead More →

Heavenly Father is a God who blesses with increase and abundance. We see this right from the beginning, in Genesis 1:20-24. God created whales and other sea creatures, and every living thing that scurries and swarms in the water. He created the birds as well, everything producing after its ownRead More →

Proverbs 14:12, 16:25(NLT) says, “There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death.” The path that seems right is the one most people will take, and it is the one that most people are on today. It’s a comfortable path, one that our fore-parentsRead More →

  Jesus Christ asked in Mark 9:23, “What do you mean, ‘If I can’? Anything is possible if a person believes.” In this healing miracle that transpired in Mark 9:14-27, a father asked Jesus to cast out a demon that had possessed his son, but this father was not fullyRead More →

Many believers today are experiencing tremendous challenges in their marriages, health, finances, and overall well-being. The pressure of our circumstances puts our backs against the wall, and we feel as if we don’t know what to do. We’ve prayed constantly to the Father about it, and there does seem toRead More →

There are three words that sum up any individual’s attitude towards God, our Creator: supernatural, identity, and purpose. How we view these words will ultimately determine how we approach life, and most importantly, how we approach God. He desires a relationship with every human being living and that has everRead More →

I make a point of trying not to refer to human-beings as creators of anything, because in truth this would be a misleading statement. None of us are creators. We have the pleasure of taking what the Father has created and making something out of it; but it’s His rawRead More →

When will it end? This is the question many of us are asking Heavenly Father. We are perplexed by the magnitude of spiritual warfare we’re facing, because it is beyond the level of anything we’ve encountered in the past. And not only are our problems complex, they are compounded byRead More →


A wonderful sister in Christ that’s in her early sixties wrote to me about the challenges of finding a good man. She’s looking for companionship that will ultimately lead to marriage, but she’s feeling very pessimistic about finding a compatible partner. Most women have a pretty good feel for theRead More →

There have been times where my life felt like a washing machine. All the various components of my life were my laundry, and without my knowing it at the time, they were being cleaned. Every season of spiritual growth and promotion will take us through this washing-machine process, but itRead More →

The more mature we become physically, and most importantly, spiritually, the more we’ll realize how little we know and how little we are really able to do as human-beings. We will encounter situations and circumstances that exceed our capacity to understand or resolve them. I’m not talking about the run-of-the-millRead More →

Very often, it’s a slight movement in the direction we’ve taken that will make a huge difference in our lives. A friend of mine was in between jobs a few years ago and said to me that the time-off was a gift, because it allowed a space for inner reflectionRead More →

Don’t let negative people discourage you Starting right off the bat, the first thing that must go in 2019 is discouragement, and the biggest source of it is negative people. As believers, we sometimes underestimate the extent to which the devil will work through others to discourage us so thatRead More →

Odds are that you probably know a believer that is having a very challenging time in their lives. You may have gone through tough times yourself, but you’re still pressing toward the mark. You still have peace of mind, and you’re very thankful to Heavenly Father for bringing you through.Read More →

In Malachi 3:6, God makes His sovereignty clear and tells us that He does not change. This is His self-defining truth, but some people use this scripture reference to suggest that transformation, reformation, and termination are not part of His plan. They use it as a whipping stick to tryRead More →

Proverbs 4:7(KJV) says, “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” Wisdom is defined as truthful, right knowledge that aids correct and right believing, and God’s Word is the source of it. He tells us that wisdom is the principal thing, and weRead More →

It is believed that the Gospel of John, chapters 13 through 17 cover a short period of about 36 hours of the life of Jesus Christ, prior to the Garden of Gethsemane experience. It is a short period, but boy is it an important one for us to keep inRead More →

            Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Solomon wrote in Proverbs 19:21(NLT), “You can make many plans, but the LORD’s purpose will prevail.” Making plans is what we humans do. We have plans to get married, have children, land our dream jobs, pursue goals,Read More →

Sarah, also known as Sarai, is the wife of Abraham, who is known as the Father of our believing. He is named in the Great Cloud of Witnesses in Hebrews 12:1, because he was fully persuaded that whatever God said, He is able and willing to perform. During the periodRead More →

The dictionary defines the word ‘hunger’ as a craving or urgent need that is caused by a lack of food or a certain nutrient. It is certainly fitting that this definition of hunger relates to food specifically, because food is necessary for survival. It also causes us to develop cravingsRead More →