Those who do not believe in our Precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, have certain expectations and misconceptions about those of us who do. Historically, many unbelievers have expected and assumed that Christians are happy all the time; that they have a particular tolerance for suffering. It’s well known thatRead More →

[mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_image id=”265″ size=”full” link_type=”custom_url” link=”#” target=”false” caption=”false” align=”left”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″ classes=” motopress-space”] [mp_space margin=”none,10,none,none”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] 1John 3:2(NIV) tells us, “Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But weRead More →

[mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_image id=”265″ size=”full” link_type=”custom_url” link=”#” target=”false” caption=”false” align=”left”] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] [mp_row] [mp_span col=”12″] [mp_row_inner] [mp_span_inner col=”12″ classes=” motopress-space”] [mp_space margin=”none,10,none,none”] [/mp_span_inner] [/mp_row_inner] [mp_row_inner] [mp_span_inner col=”12″]   God has made it very clear that He wants us to have a fantastic life. We know this because Jesus ChristRead More →

Like attracts like. You may not want to believe this, but it is entirely true. Our hanging partners, sister-friends, and those we consider to be our besties resonate and respond with a soul quality in us that is very much like something within themselves. So it stands to reason thatRead More →

Talk within the Christian community about the tremendous importance of ‘purpose’ burst on the scene over 20 years ago, and it’s still going strong, as it should be. It spread like wildfire, and many that were just coming into the faith thought it was a new revelation, but it wasn’tRead More →