From the very beginning, our Heavenly Father established the reality that life is dynamic and ever-changing. He designed it this way to accommodate our growth in the Lord Jesus Christ. God’s desire is that we go higher and higher spiritually, learning to walk completely by faith and not by sight.Read More →

Having just graduated from college, I was young, overly confident, and ready to make my mark in the world. I wanted to move away from my small hometown as quick as possible, but Sister Pat seemed intent on raining on my parade. As time went on, things did not turnRead More →

Genesis 17:1-2(NLT) tells us that when Abram was 99 years old, God came to him and said, “I am El-Shaddai—‘God Almighty.’ Serve me faithfully and live a blameless life. I will make a covenant with you, by which I will guarantee to give you countless descendants.” One of the importantRead More →

God created human beings in His image, and we are to walk in His love and live according to His nature. Every moment of each day presents an opportunity to become more like Him, and to respond to His goodness, love, and mercy with gratitude. This is His Will, thatRead More →

In Matthew 7:21(NLT), our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ makes a profoundly staggering statement. He said that “Not everyone who calls out to me, ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter.” By this, it’s prettyRead More →

After a poor performance review, Janis left her supervisor’s office unfazed by the comments her boss had just made. She was way past caring and half-way expected to receive such low marks. Her 10year marriage had ended, just about all her bills were past due, and deep down she neverRead More →

Whether we’re dealing with a terminal diagnosis, a chronic condition, or a debilitating fear, addiction, or dependency, God is willing and able to deliver us. This is a phenomenal truth, and there’s little else that the devil seeks to attack more than our faith in God’s delivering and healing power.Read More →

God is more than enough for us! In truth, He is infinitely more! Our knowledge of His wisdom, power, and love should be ever expanding, and an eternity is not enough time for us to reach the end of all that He is; for He has no end! If youRead More →

Salvation is a gift that God freely offers us through His beloved and powerful Son, Jesus Christ. We can’t do anything to earn it. He’s given this overwhelming gift to us because He loves us so much. Ephesians 2:8(NLT) says, “God saved you by his grace when you believed. AndRead More →

Going about our everyday routines, we can see that people that are not prone to kindness will no longer constrain themselves. They display a kind of anger and ruthless attitude that is very destructive, and very sad to see.  God’s expectation is that His children of light will not meetRead More →

It has become incredibly apparent that God is allowing us to see how far the world has deviated from the path of His love. There seems to be no end to the depth of wickedness and evil of those that are greedy and power hungry. Many of us think weRead More →

Staying close to God through the Lord Jesus Christ is the most important factor to remaining strong during times of trouble. We must be ever mindful that the sheep that are kept safe from the wolves are the ones who remain closest to the shepherd. Jesus Christ is the TrueRead More →

More and more, we’re witnessing Christians align themselves with systems of the world. They are adopting worldly philosophies and new age principles; and they are attempting to comingle these with the teachings of Jesus Christ. None of us have a soapbox to stand on. God allows us the intelligence toRead More →

We are living in perilous times, and never has there been the level of confusion, dysfunction, corruption, and disunity that we are witnessing today. Some people are paralyzed with fear and anxiety, while others are falling away from the faith in droves. Increasingly, we’re hearing talk of the end ofRead More →

John 10:10 is probably on every believer’s list of scripture favorites. It’s the words of our Master Jesus, and he teaches us, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have itRead More →

“Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4(NIV) The desires of your heart can teach you a lot about the faith and loyalty God desires. These two, faith and loyalty, are very important lessons of God’s love, and they are especiallyRead More →

Have you ever thought about the reality that Moses, God’s chosen leader of the Children of Israel, never entered the Promised Land? Of course, he knew about it, and understood the promise of it, but after everything he had endured with leading the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery, he wouldRead More →

Diane became very offended when her friend, Lee, commented on the fact that Diane never gives anything away for free. It’s not as if Diane is short for cash. She earns six figures, boasts about the fact that she can get just about anything she wants, including the new luxuryRead More →