For many years, we have relied on our faith leaders to do the heavy lifting when it comes to the work of the Kingdom. Many believed that attending service one day a week meant that God’s requirement was satisfied, and we didn’t need to do much more than that. OneRead More →

Hebrews 11:1(BSB) tells us, “Now faith is the assurance of what we hope for and the certainty of what we do not see.” Our Heavenly Father created the universe in such a way that everything, from the smallest to the greatest, is produced by His faith. There isn’t one thingRead More →

People mean the most to God, and this isn’t a difficult truth to prove. He tells us in Genesis 1:27 that He created human beings in His very own image. He adopted us into His family through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Romans 8:29(NLT) declares, “For God knew hisRead More →

When Gladys opened her own boutique, a lifelong dream had been realized. Her store featured unique and designer clothing and limited home interior items. Her husband, Rich, took a loan from his retirement account to finance the venture, and Gladys had saved for years as well. When they spotted theRead More →

Galatians 5:22-23(NLT) states, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.” Many of us learned about the fruit of the Spirit in Sunday School. There may have been cartoonish drawings of various fruits and lessons aboutRead More →

The common definition of what it means to discern is to perceive or recognize something. This definition assumes the one that is discerning possesses some level of background information on the two or more things they are attempting to discern. For instance, it isn’t too difficult for most people toRead More →

During a discussion, Tracy said that they never talk about sex, serious relationship issues or anything pertaining to abstinence at her place of worship. She said her spiritual leader doesn’t preach about subjects that might cause offense to their congregants. She made this remark when someone asked her how thingsRead More →

We live in an environment where people are experiencing many conditions that stem from a false identity of themselves. Some pretend to have it all together, but inside they are falling apart because they don’t feel secure. From the very beginning, God wired humanity to feel good about themselves, andRead More →

Our Master Jesus said in Matthew 21:22(ESV), “And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” Every need and blessing are included in the truth he’s spoken in this verse. No good thing is left out, and he would not have told us this good newsRead More →

In modern society, there are countless books written about the art of communication. Just about everyone recognizes how powerful words can be. Not only is it powerful when the right words are spoken, but it can be equally powerful when the wrong words are not spoken, but kept to one’sRead More →

“I just don’t understand where God is taking me!” How many of us have felt this way? It’s a season where nothing you thought you knew before applies to the life you’re living right now. All of us want to feel as though we’re in control of certain things. ItRead More →

Jesus Christ defines our faith. This is something you and I must remember every moment of our lives. Romans 10:17(NLT) tells us “So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ.” Heavenly Father’s plan is for us to read and digest the Good News about JesusRead More →

We are living in a time where everyone seems to be out for themselves. Not only is our selfishness unparalleled, but arrogance has captured the attitudes and mindsets of many people as well. I made some remarks about this, and someone said that I was too harsh. The person said,Read More →

In Matthew 16:19-20(NLT), Jesus Christ tells us, “19 Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal.”Read More →