I, like so many of those who knew her, believed that Twawni Davis was destined for great things. In addition to her model good looks, she was the most talented individual I had ever known, and as a young person I was always mesmerized in her company. Of course, sheRead More →

Whether it’s on our jobs, in our family life, or in our lives period, many of us are guilty of spreading ourselves too thin. We are trying to get too many things done in a limited amount of time. This can cause us to compromise the quality of our livesRead More →

            Have you known a person who constantly brags about themselves? This is someone that dominates most of their conversations with painting themselves in the best possible light. They twist the facts and distort the truth, so they come out looking like a hero everyRead More →

The Word of God tells us in Philippians 4:6(NLT), “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” This verse is so simple and wonderful that many of us won’t let ourselves trust it. Our Heavenly Father tellsRead More →

Dear Heavenly Father, Life can seem like a rollercoaster sometimes. We pray to receive blessings and to accomplish goals that are really important to us, but it seems that very shortly after we receive them, things kinda go haywire. There are challenges and obstacles that come with the blessing, andRead More →

In 2Timothy 2:15, Heavenly Father tells us to do everything in our power to be approved by Him as a good worker. He defines a ‘good worker’ as a person that has no reason to be ashamed because this person is someone that handles His Word correctly. Anyone that isRead More →

There are millions of Sisters with a dream in their hearts and they’ve tried to go after it, but time and time again, their efforts were squashed. The disappointment of this can be paralyzing. It’s like quicksand, preventing us from moving forward or upward. Our pumpkins may not turn intoRead More →

John 21 tells us that several of the disciples decided to go fishing in the Sea of Galilee, but they caught nothing. We can most certainly compare this record in John 21 to many of the situations we’re dealing with today. We get up each morning and prepare ourselves toRead More →

Dear Heavenly Father, I am continually overwhelmed by the tender way in which You love us. You have helped us throughout history through people like Abraham, Moses, and David. These men provided great leadership as shepherds. The occupation of a shepherd is mentioned many times in Your Word. King David,Read More →

Dear Heavenly Father, You tell us in 1John 4:8 that anyone who doesn’t love doesn’t know You, because You are love. You also tell us in 1John 4:16 that everyone that lives in love lives in You, and You live in them. This is beyond wonderful, Heavenly Father. Thank YouRead More →

Dear Heavenly Father, I heard a word this week that I absolutely fell in love with. It was inspiring to hear because I see this a lot with people who have a candy store mentality when it comes to Your blessings and empowerment. They neglect the empowerment of Your Word,Read More →

There are only two books in the bible named after women, Ruth and Esther, in the Old Testament. I personally love them both, but the Book of Ruth is the one from which I draw the most relatable encouragement. I marvel continually at Ruth’s devotion to her mother in law,Read More →

There are some people who don’t like surprises of any kind. They don’t want surprise ingredients in their foods, don’t want surprise birthday parties, spontaneous trips, or surprise gifts. The idea of being presented with anything unexpectedly is a no-go for them, and they are not amused. The irony isRead More →

When I was younger, I struggled with anxiety. I would bite my nails when it was time to take an exam or whenever I encountered a stressful situation. If it looked as though my parents were going to find out I had done something I knew they wouldn’t approve of,Read More →