Proverbs 18:22 (NLT) “The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the Lord.” It is becoming increasingly popular for women to propose to men. While commercials depicting this scenario received a thumbs-up from women’s rights organization for championing women’s options, as believers many ofRead More →

Monica Green handles pressure very well. Some would say it comes from single-parenting two children, one of them with autism and the other high-schooler struggles with anxiety sometimes. Monica handles it all while keeping a smile on her face. Her bosses and coworkers love her; they are like family. WhenRead More →

Daniel, one of King David’s sons living during Old Testament times, was blessed to have prophetic dreams and visions that would help God’s people. The record of Daniel’s allegiance to service is a tremendous lesson for us, particularly as it relates to the manifestations of the Holy Spirit. Jesus ChristRead More →

Life is constantly proving that in the blink of an eye, everything can change.  The unexpected can potentially cause a shift in our circumstances so swiftly that it can literally take our breath away. The notion of change or any of its cousins like transformation, correction, adjustment, or modification, willRead More →

Genesis 1:21 tells us that God created all the creatures of the earth, and made them in such a way that they produce offspring of the same kind. Birds don’t have baby giraffes, and frogs can’t produce cows, or vice versa. From His Word, we can very clearly see thatRead More →