A very good friend and sister-in-Christ told me that when a man truly loves a woman, peace in the relationship will follow. Her statement places an incredible amount of responsibility on the man, but still, I remember asking myself how in the world did she come to this realization. SheRead More →

The rules of dating in a way that leads to marriage are not exactly outlined in the Bible in a step-by-step format. In fact, some have complained that not much about dating is specifically covered in God’s Word. This is because God never intended that dating should be the ‘thing’Read More →

A good friend of mine resides in Hull, Massachusetts. It’s a completely different environment than the residence of my New England town. Hull is a quaint beach town that’s filled with little boutique shops on a boardwalk that overlooks the Atlantic shoreline. In my mind, it’s the perfect summer weekendRead More →

Genesis 1:26 says that God created us in His very own image, because making us His family was always a part of His plan. Our Heavenly Father also tells us in the Book of Genesis that Adam was the first human being He created, and God gave him dominion andRead More →