Dear Heavenly Father, One thing I’ve learned on my Christian journey is that you can’t do what everybody else in this world is doing. You told us in Romans 12:2 (NLT), “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person byRead More →

One of our primary responsibilities and privileges as children of God is to provide Him a field upon which His blessings will land. This field is a place and space in our lives. It’s when a clearing is forged because of our faith; just like the Red Sea parting thatRead More →

When the Children of Israel were in the wilderness, God fed them manna from heaven. It nourished them to such an extent that none fell to sickness or disease during the entire season of which they ate it. Exodus 16:16-18 says, “16 These are the LORD’s instructions: Each household shouldRead More →

Call me old fashion, but I still believe that adhering to the virtuous standards God has set in His Word are the absolute best chance any of us have for a successful relationship. Staples like good communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to be vulnerable are necessary, but there’s oneRead More →

The other day, I woke up early to go pick up a new table that I’d been wanting for a while. Since it was Saturday, I figured if I got up early enough I could beat the weekend traffic to the stores. Got on the road and was making goodRead More →

There is somebody for everybody! I know you’ve heard this before, especially in the case of a person that is so eccentric or persnickety that you couldn’t imagine they’d be satisfied with the company of anyone. Yet, they seem to find a partner that is patient and appreciates their uniqueness.Read More →

We love the holidays because of course, we adore our blessed Savior, and Jesus IS the reason for the season. In fact, he’s the reason for every day, and that’s why the holidays should be a time for some serious joy. We wait the whole year to pull out allRead More →

  One of the things that we learn very early in Christian life is that we can’t just do anything we like. There are disciplines to the faith, and there are sacrifices that we need to make in the present that are required for our long-term benefit. In other words,Read More →

Some of the urban vernacular we hear these days is so cryptic that it could literally become a second language. Words like ‘ratchet’, ‘shade’, ‘filthy’, ‘lit’, and ‘baddie’ meant something completely different just a short time ago. Today they’ve taken on a whole new meaning. I have a feeling thatRead More →

When you peel back all the layers and get down to the core of your identity, if you’re in Christ, there will be some components that drive you in this race we call life. Three of those are major, and must be present if you want to remain on trackRead More →

The countdown is on! We have only a few more days before we all bring in a new year.  Some of us are seriously excited. Others of us…not so much. That’s not exactly the mindset God wants us to have. If you give it some thought, you’ll see that HeavenlyRead More →

Matthew 5:14 (NLT) “You are the light of the world – like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house.”Read More →

            God’s instructions to the prophet in Habakkuk 2:2 (KJV) was, “Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.” This was a particular Word given to a particular complaint made by people that questioned the cause andRead More →